J. Lothringer's profile

Brian Meissen's 95' Camaro "Red Alert"

To start off, Brian is the owner of MiFbody.com. If you own an Fbody and live in Michigan, you definitely need to check out the website. He puts together many events and there is a wealth of knowledge on the site. He is a great guy to work with and we had a blast doing this poster. If you read through it you will see Brian has done a LOT of work to his car since the initial purchase. He really loved the overall design of the board, and hopefully you guys do too!

Contact MidshiftMedia@Yahoo.com to contract work like what is pictured above
**We do not own the photographs, they were provided for use by the client**

Brian Meissen's 95' Camaro "Red Alert"

Brian Meissen's 95' Camaro "Red Alert"

Showboard for Brian Meissen created by Midshift Medial
